The documentation for my Daniels ancestry back to Henry and Jane (Stranger) Daniels who married at Christow, Devon, in 1841, is straightforward. However, Henry’s parentage and earlier generations require some discussion.




The entry for the marriage of Henry and Jane (Stranger) Daniels in the Christow parish registers gives Henry’s father as John Daniels, a tradesman.


According to Henry’s obituary in Minutes of Several Conversations... 1870, he was “born at Ecclesfield, near Sheffield, in the year 1802. Early in life, through the instrumentality of the late Rev. Theophilus Lessey, he became a subject of the converting grace of God. After having been engaged for a time in different departments of Christian work in the town in which he resided, he was recommended as a candidate for the ministry, and in the year 1828 received his first appointment to a Circuit”.[1]


The 1851 and 1861 census returns respectively give Henry’s birthplace as Sheffield[2] and Ecclesfield,[3] which were adjacent parishes. The ages given for him in various sources are not fully consistent but suggest a birth around 1801 to 1804: 35 to 39 in 1841,[4] 47 in 1851,[5] 58 in 1861,[6] 67 at his burial in 1869,[7] and apparently 68 on his monumental inscription.[8]


The Sheffield parish registers show that Henry, son of John Daniel, hatter, and Ann, was baptised on 26 June 1799.[9] The father in the 1799 baptism, John Daniel, was apparently the one who married Ann Crofts on 27 August 1798 at Rotherham. They also had a daughter Hannah, baptised at Sheffield on 11 April 1802, when the surname was given as Daniels. Hannah may have had a twin sister as Mary, daughter of John Daniels, hatter, was buried at Sheffield on 31 March 1802. Ann, wife of John Daniels, was buried shortly afterwards on 21 April 1802 at Eckington. John married second, on 3 October 1802 at Rotherham, Hannah Crookes. John and Hannah had four children recorded in the Sheffield parish registers between 1803 and 1809, and subsequently the family can be located in the records of Gainsborough in Lincolnshire. The identity of the Sheffield family with the Gainsborough one is confirmed by the fact that John is given the same occupation of hatter in the Gainsborough records, marriages for two of the children baptised at Sheffield can be linked to the Gainsborough area, and Hannah Daniels as a widow was still living in Gainsborough at the time of the 1851 census when her birthplace was given as Sheffield. John Daniels was buried on 4 December 1831 at Gainsborough, when his age was given as fifty.


Although the baptism in 1799 is slightly earlier than the years suggested by later records for the birth of the Henry Daniels who married Jane Stranger, it appears to relate to him. It is the only Henry Daniel(s) baptism which has been found in the area of Sheffield and Ecclesfield in the relevant period. It matches the father’s name given at the time of Henry’s marriage to Jane Stranger, and the occupation of hatter for John is consistent with the somewhat vague “tradesman” in the marriage entry. There does not appear to be any other Henry Daniel(s) to whom the 1799 baptism could relate.[10]


This parentage for Henry is supported by DNA matches.[11] Ruth Margaret (Daniels) Davies, a great-great-granddaughter of Henry and Jane (Stranger) Daniels, has an 8 cM match with a great-great-granddaughter of Elizabeth Ann (Daniels) Cresswell. The latter was a daughter of John and Ann (Simpson) Daniels[12] and a granddaughter of John and Hannah (Crookes) Daniels. Although of moderate size, the match is in line with what would be expected for half-fourth cousins once removed. Moreover, Ruth has an 11 cM match with a great-grandchild of John William Waddingham and a large match of 46 cM with a grandchild of James Waddingham. Both John William Waddingham and James Waddingham were sons of Alfred and Jane (Barlow) Waddingham. As discussed below, Alfred was a son of James Daniels and his partner Mildred Maria (Betts) Waddingham, with James Daniels being a son of John and Hannah (Crookes) Daniels.




The marriages and non-marital relationships of James Daniels, son of John and Hannah (Crookes) Daniels, are complicated. They are discussed here for clarity and because the paternity of James’s son Alfred Waddingham is relevant to some of the DNA matches mentioned above being used to support the placement of Henry Daniels in this family.


James, who worked as a shipwright, appears to have separated from his first wife Jane Hardy before 1861 when the census returns show him at an inn in London with a woman named Maria as his apparent wife.[13] At that time, Jane was living and is recorded as a widow in the census returns for Ashby.[14] Not long after the census, James’s daughter Matilda was born on 29 May 1861 at Hull. The birth certificate gives the mother’s full name as Mildred Maria Daniels, formerly Betts. In 1871, James was living in Sculcoates and was listed with Mildred Maria as his wife, and three children, Charles, Mathilda and Alfred.[15] No record of a marriage for James and Mildred has been identified. Mildred Maria Betts had married William Wadingham or Waddingham at Patrington in 1841, when the bride was described as a minor, a spinster, and a daughter of Robert Betts.[16] James Daniels and Mildred evidently had at least two children who, although recorded with the surname Daniels in some early records, later used the surname Waddingham, the name of Mildred’s legal husband.[17] James married Caroline (Morgan) Standage in 1872 when he was described as a widower.[18] After James’s death in 1879, his widow Caroline married William Henry Hill.[19]


Mildred is recorded in the 1881 census returns for Ince in Makerfield as Mildred Ward. She is stated to be married but with no husband listed in the entry. Living with her was her son, Alfred Waddington (sic), aged seventeen, an ironworker, born at Hull.[20] They moved to the United States in the 1880s and lived in the Pittsburgh area.[21] As Mildred M. Waddingham, a widow, and stated to be considerably younger than her actual age, she married Jabez Dean in 1890.[22] Her death record of 1912 names her parents as Robert Betts and Martha Carter,[23] confirming the connection.


Alfred Waddingham died in 1946. His death certificate states that he was born in England on 10 April 1862 and gives his parents as John Waddingham and Sarah Dovey.[24] However, no trace of such a couple has been found in any English records, and there is no birth for an Alfred Waddingham listed in the national civil registration indexes for England and Wales for 1862. Furthermore, the information is contradicted by the parish register entry for Alfred’s marriage to Jane Barlow at Sheffield on 2 December 1883, where Alfred is stated to be aged 24 and his father is given as James Waddingham, deceased, a shipwright.[25] That the marriage relates to the same Alfred Waddingham as the death record is confirmed by an obituary in The Titusville Herald of 19 August 1946 where it is stated that Alfred married Jane on 3 December 1883, only one day different from the date in the register, and by an obituary of Alfred’s widow Jane, where it is stated that their marriage took place in Sheffield and that Jane was a daughter of “Mr. and Mrs. William Barlow”.[26] (The parish register gives Jane’s father as George Barlow.)


The birth certificate of Alfred, son of James Daniels and Mildred Maria Betts, shows that he was born in Hull on 10 April 1864, so although the year is different, the birthday matches the one indicated by the death certificate.


It is clear from the above that Alfred Waddingham was a son of James Daniels and Mildred Maria (Betts) Waddingham. As further confirmation, it may be noted that Alfred and Jane (Barlow) Waddingham had a daughter called Mildred Maria Waddingham, born in 1885. Additionally, Alfred’s 1946 obituary confirms that he was born in Hull, and the 1883 marriage entry and 1900 census show Alfred to have been an ironworker, as was Mildred’s son Alfred in 1881.




There were two John Daniel baptisms at Sheffield in 1781, one on 11 February - son of Christopher Daniel, tailor, and Hannah - and the other on 2 September - son of John Daniel, labourer, and Elizabeth. The will of Christopher Daniel, proved in 1812, does not mention a son John. It appears that both of the Johns baptised in 1781 were apprenticed to knife makers.[27] One John Daniel married Ann Stones at Sheffield in 1804 and appears to have been a cutler.


Other evidence indicates that the John Daniels who married Ann Crofts came from the Stockport area.[28]


In 1792, James Daniel of Stockport, hat manufacturer, was granted a patent for a machine “for the more speedy felting and making of hats”.[29] An announcement in 1793 stated that Daniels & Co., patent hat manufacturers, of Stockport, had opened a warehouse in Sheffield[30] and a similar announcement the same year reported that James Daniel, patent hat manufacturer of Stockport, had opened a warehouse in Leeds.[31] Samuel Daniels of Sheffield was described as a patent hat manufacturer when he married in 1795.[32]


The will of Henry Daniels of Bosden near Stockport, weaver, dated 23 November 1822, mentions his three sons John, Thomas and Henry, his brother Samuel Daniels, deceased, and property in Sheffield. The tenor of the will is that John was not living in the same area as the testator as, although John is listed first among the sons, the household goods and furniture were to be divided between the other two sons and the testator appointed his “Sons Thomas Daniels and Henry Daniels in Bosden” executors of the will.[33] Henry’s son John was baptised at Chadkirk on 29 August 1779. This would be a reasonably good fit with the age of fifty given at the burial of the hatter John Daniels of Gainsborough in 1831, especially considering that the latter was married in 1798 and it may therefore be suspected that the age in the burial entry is slightly understated. The will of Henry’s brother Samuel Daniels of Sheffield who died in 1822 confirms that Samuel was a hat maker. The mother of the John baptised in 1779 was called Lydia, and John and Hannah (Crookes) Daniels had a daughter Lydia baptised at Sheffield in 1805, although the possibility that the name Lydia came from the Crookes family cannot be ruled out. The name Henry given to John’s first son, baptised at Sheffield in 1799, would also be logical if John’s father was called Henry. Henry Daniel and Lydia Brereton were married at Cheadle in 1778.


There are DNA matches which corroborate the identification of John Daniels of Gainsborough as a son of Henry and Lydia Daniels of Bosden.[34] Ruth Margaret (Daniels) Davies, a great-great-granddaughter of Henry and Jane (Stranger) Daniels, has a 13 cM match with a great-granddaughter of Martha (Daniel) Fowden. Martha appears to have been born in 1813 as a daughter of Henry and Jane Daniel of Bosden.[35] There were multiple men named Henry Daniel(s) in the Stockport area. However, Martha’s father Henry seems to be the son of that name in the will of Henry Daniels in 1822 mentioned above as he is the best match in terms of residence and occupation. The 1822 testator states that his son Henry was living in Bosden and the Henry who married Jane was also living in Bosden when their children Fanny and Hannah were baptised in 1820 and 1823 respectively.[36] The testator’s son Henry was described as a coal carter[37] and the Henry who married Jane was also a carter.[38]


There is also a match of 10 cM between Ruth and a great-great-great-grandchild of Hannah (Daniel) Hallworth. Census returns show that Hannah was born at Bosden about 1817. There was a Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Helen Daniel of Bosden, born in 1816, and a Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Jane Daniel of Bosden, born in 1817. The 1841 census returns show one of these Hannahs living apparently with her father and still with the surname Daniel,[39] so she would not be the Hannah Daniel who had married Joseph Hallworth in 1835. Elsewhere in the 1841 returns is another Thomas Daniel who can be identified from the other individuals in his household as the Thomas who was married to Jane.[40] Therefore this second Thomas would be the one who was the father of Hannah (Daniel) Hallworth. Indeed, the information in the census entry shows that this Thomas was the Thomas Daniels whose will was written in 1853 and proved in 1854,[41] and a list of his surviving children includes Hannah Hallworth.[42] The 1851 census returns state that Thomas was aged seventy and born at Bramhall.[43] In Stockport’s Presbyterian registers is found the baptism of Thomas, son of Henry and Lydia Daniel, on 28 January 1781.[44] The entry gives his parents’ residence as Bosden, but at the baptisms of his older brother John in 1779 and younger brother Samuel in 1783, it is stated to be Bramhall. It therefore appears that the Thomas who was the father of Hannah (Daniel) Hallworth was a son of Henry and Lydia.


In summary, Ruth Margaret (Daniels) Davies’s ancestor John Daniels fits well in terms of his age, his occupation of hatter, and his association with Sheffield, to be the John baptised in 1779, son of Henry and Lydia (Brereton) Daniels, and Ruth has DNA matches with descendants of the other two surviving children of Henry and Lydia. Ruth has DNA matches with descendants of other Breretons in the Stockport area, the most recent Brereton ancestors of two matches being Hannah (Brereton) Hallworth, born at Bosden in 1813, and Fanny Brereton who married Joshua Broom at Stockport in 1769. These matches lend some further support to Ruth being descended from Henry and Lydia (Brereton) Daniels.




The will of Henry Daniels of Bosden, dated 23 November 1822, mentions “Property situated in York Street in Sheffield in the County of Yorkshire”, “in Haughton Yard in Sheffield” and “in Hartshead in Sheffield” which “came to me at the death of my Brother Samuel Daniels as being sole Heir at Law”. Samuel Daniels of Sheffield had died two months earlier. Samuel had made a will in 1815 and it was proved on 11 January 1823, after Henry had written his own will. Samuel’s will describes him as a hat maker of Sheffield and appoints as executors his friends Thomas Creswick, James Wild and Richard Naylor. The testator mentions, among others, his wife Hannah Daniels, brother William Daniels of Sheffield, brother James Daniels of Albany, New York, brother Henry Daniels of Bullock Smithy, Cheshire, sister Elizabeth Ward of Manchester, and brother Robert Daniels of Sheffield.


Samuel Daniels was said to be in his fifty-third year or aged fifty-three at his death and burial in 1822.[45] The registers of Poynton and Chadkirk show the family of John Daniel and his wife Elizabeth or Betty. Their son Samuel was baptised in 1768 and the other children match with the siblings named in Samuel’s will, including Henry as the first son, baptised in 1757.


In some of the early baptisms of the children of John and Betty, John is described as John Daniel the younger of Norbury. This suggests the possibility that his father was also named John Daniel, although that need not necessarily have been the case. There are many earlier references to individuals with the surname Daniel in the area around Norbury.


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1          JOHN DANIEL of Norbury and Bosden, Cheshire, weaver, died ca 1775.[46] He married on 3 July 1755 at Stockport, BETTY SIDEBOTHAM.[47]


Children of John and Betty (Sidebotham) Daniel:

i               MARY DANIEL, bap 14 Sep 1755, Poynton,[48] bur 28 Dec 1755, Stockport.[49]

2              ii             HENRY DANIELS (1757-1831); m(1) LYDIA BRERETON; m(2) SARAH (WHITAKER) CARTWRIGHT.

iii            JOHN DANIEL, bap 11 Mar 1759, Poynton.[50]

iv            BETTY DANIEL, bap 19 Jul 1761, Poynton;[51] m            WARD.[52]

v              ROBERT DANIELS of Nottingham and Sheffield, hatter, bap 8 Apr 1764, Chadkirk,[53] bur 8 Sep 1830, Sheffield;[54] m 29 Jan 1793, Southwell, ANN HALL.[55]

vi            JAMES DANIELS of Stockport and of Albany, New York, hat manufacturer, bap 27 Apr 1766, Chadkirk.[56]

vii           SAMUEL DANIELS of Sheffield, hat manufacturer, bap 9 Oct 1768, Chadkirk,[57] d 23 Sep 1822,[58] bur 27 Sep 1822, Sheffield;[59] m 27 Apr 1795, Newark, HANNAH HANKIN.[60]

viii          WILLIAM DANIELS of Sheffield, bap 17 Nov 1771, Chadkirk.[61]

ix            SALLY DANIEL, bap 2 Jan 1774, Chadkirk,[62] bur 30 Jan 1774, Stockport.[63]

x              THOMAS DANIEL, bap 26 Mar 1775, Poynton,[64] bur 21 Jun 1776, Stockport.[65]


2          HENRY DANIELS of Bramhall and Bosden, weaver, was baptised on 30 January 1757 at Poynton[66] and died on 2 December 1831.[67] He married first, on 24 March 1778 at Cheadle, LYDIA BRERETON,[68] daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Haughton) Brereton (see here). Lydia was baptised on 9 January 1744/45 at Poynton and buried on 6 May 1819 at Stockport. Henry married second, on 19 March 1827 at Stockport, SARAH (WHITAKER) CARTWRIGHT, widow of James Cartwright.[69]


Children of Henry and Lydia (Brereton) Daniels:

3              i               JOHN DANIELS (1779-1831); m(1) ANN CROFTS; m(2) HANNAH CROOKES.

ii              THOMAS DANIELS of Bosden, weaver, bap 28 Jan 1781, Stockport,[70] d 21 Jan 1854, bur 25 Jan 1854, Norbury;[71] m(1) JANE;[72] m(2) 28 Nov 1835, Cheadle, HARRIET WEBB.[73]

iii            SAMUEL DANIELS, bap 19 Jan 1783, Stockport,[74] bur 27 Feb 1783, Stockport.[75]

iv            BETTY DANIELS, bap 5 Mar 1787, Stockport,[76] bur 27 Mar 1787, Stockport.[77]

v              HENRY DANIELS of Bosden, carter, bap 7 Jan 1790, Stockport,[78] d 3 Feb 1835, Hazel Grove;[79] m 27 May 1810, Cheadle, JANE ADSHEAD.[80]


3          JOHN DANIELS of Sheffield, Yorkshire, and Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, hatter, was baptised on 29 August 1779 at Chadkirk[81] and buried on 4 December 1831 at Gainsborough.[82] He married first, on 27 August 1798 at Rotherham, ANN CROFTS,[83] daughter of John and Mary (Haslam) Crofts (see here). Ann was baptised on 27 February 1774 at Eckington and buried on 21 April 1802 at Eckington. John Daniels married second, on 3 October 1802 at Rotherham, HANNAH CROOKES.[84] Hannah was born ca 1777 at Sheffield[85] and died on 26 March 1855 at Gainsborough.[86]


Children of John and Ann (Crofts) Daniels:

4             i              HENRY DANIELS (1799-1869); m(1) MARY LYDIA (SWAIN) ANNING; m(2) JANE STRANGER.

ii             MARY DANIELS, bur 31 Mar 1802, Sheffield.[87]

iii           HANNAH DANIELS, bap 11 Apr 1802, Sheffield.[88]


Children of John and Hannah (Crookes) Daniels:

iv            SARAH DANIELS, bap 28 Aug 1803, Sheffield,[89] bur 18 Jun 1836, Gainsborough;[90] m 11 Jul 1827, Hovingham, THOMAS JOHNSON.[91]

v             LYDIA DANIELS, b 2 Jan 1805, Sheffield,[92] d 27 Jun 1880, Ashton under Lyne;[93] m 5 Feb 1826, Blyth, BENJAMIN SUTTON.[94]

vi            SAMUEL DANIELS, b 13 Feb 1807, bap 12 Apr 1807, Sheffield.[95]

vii           ELIZABETH DANIELS, b 25 Mar 1809, Sheffield,[96] d 5 Feb 1895, Gainsborough;[97] m 17 May 1841, Blyton, THOMAS WRIGHT.[98]

viii         MARY DANIELS, bap 16 Mar 1811, Gainsborough,[99] d 31 Dec 1890, Janesville, Wisconsin;[100] m 26 Dec 1842, Beckingham, GEORGE COOK.[101]

ix            JOHN DANIELS of Bradford, cabinet maker, b 6 Jun 1814, Gainsborough,[102] bur 24 Feb 1890, Clayton;[103] m(1) 26 Sep 1836, Bradford, ANN SIMPSON;[104] m(2) 29 Nov 1851, Bradford, ELIZABETH (HARDISTY) TILLOTSON;[105] m(3) 24 Jul 1871, Bradford, HANNAH (RICHTER) FISHER.[106]

x             ANN DANIELS, b ca 1817, bur 9 Jan 1818, Gainsborough.[107]

xi            JAMES DANIELS of Gainsborough and Hull, shipwright, b 25 Aug 1819, Gainsborough,[108] d 27 Mar 1879, Hull;[109] m(1) 22 Sep 1839, Gainsborough, JANE HARDY;[110] m(2)[111] 10 Nov 1872, Hull, CAROLINE (MORGAN) STANDAGE.[112]


4          HENRY DANIELS, Wesleyan minister, was baptised on 26 June 1799 at Sheffield[113] and died on 8 November 1869 at Tywardreath, Cornwall.[114] He married first,[115] on 5 August 1834 at Bridport, Dorset, MARY LYDIA (SWAIN) ANNING,[116] widow of George Anning and daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Roberts) Swain.[117] Mary Lydia was born ca 1799[118] and died on 20 May 1840 at Buckfastleigh, Devon.[119] Henry married second, on 26 August 1841 at Christow, Devon, JANE STRANGER,[120] daughter of Richard and Elizabeth (Sercombe) Stranger (see here). Jane was born on 17 May 1817 at Bovey Tracey, Devon, and died on 1 December 1896 at Tywardreath.


Child of Henry and Mary Lydia (Swain) (Anning) Daniels:

i              JOHN ROBERTS DANIELS, b 8 Feb 1838, Calstock, Cornwall,[121] d 7 Jun 1839, Buckfastleigh, Devon.[122]


               Children of Henry and Jane (Stranger) Daniels:

                            ii             GEORGE SERCOMBE DANIELS (1843-1892); m EPIPHANY BULLOCK RUNDELL.

                              iii             ELIZABETH DANIELS, b 31 Mar 1845, St Mawes, Cornwall,[123] d 9 Jan 1916;[124] m 11 Aug 1868, Wesleyan chapel, St Austell, Cornwall, THOMAS ROBERTS.[125]

                              iv           JANE DANIELS of Stratford, Ontario, music teacher, b 27 Oct 1846, Kingsbridge, Devon,[126] d 14 Aug 1930, Stratford, Ontario.[127]

                              v             HENRY DANIELS of Nassagaweya, Ontario, farmer, b 16 Jun 1850, Buckfastleigh, d 27 Sep 1927, Hamilton, Ontario;[128] m 8 Mar 1881, Nassagaweya, REBECCA ELLEN ADAMSON.[129]

                              vi            ANNA DANIELS, b 29 Jul 1853, Callington, Cornwall,[130] d 6 Feb 1879, Plymouth;[131] m 7 Sep 1875, Wesleyan meeting house, St Austell, RUTLAND SPOONER.[132]


5          GEORGE SERCOMBE DANIELS, Wesleyan minister, was born on 26 June 1843 at Holsworthy, Devon,[133] and died on 1 February 1892 at Leeds, Yorkshire.[134] He married on 30 August 1870 at the Wesleyan Methodist meeting house, St Austell, EPIPHANY BULLOCK RUNDELL,[135] daughter of Charles and Mary (Bullock) Rundell (see here). Epiphany was born on 3 December 1844 at Tywardreath and died on 13 August 1922 at Leeds.


               Children of George Sercombe and Epiphany Bullock (Rundell) Daniels:

                              i              HENRY DANIELS of Seattle, Washington, railway paymaster, b 1 Aug 1871, Hayle, Cornwall,[136] d 10 Dec 1938, Seattle;[137] m 20 Mar 1907, Ballard, Washington, ESTELLE ADELE OSBORNE.[138]

                              ii             CHARLES DANIELS of Wetherby, clerk, b 25 Jun 1873, Hayle,[139] d 30 Apr 1960, Wetherby;[140] m 6 Jul 1904, Wesleyan chapel, Boston Spa, FLORENCE TETLEY.[141]

                              iii            JANIE DANIELS, b 25 Mar 1875, Burton on Trent, Staffordshire,[142] d 26 May 1947, Headingley, Yorkshire;[143] m 9 Jul 1896, Brunswick Wesleyan chapel, Leeds, EDWARD TETLEY.[144]

                              iv            LORENZO DANIELS of Leeds, Wesleyan minister, b 18 Aug 1877, Dudley,[145] d 30 Nov 1956, Leeds.[146]

                              v             PERCIVALE DANIELS of Leeds, clerk, b 13 May 1879, Netherton, Worcestershire,[147] d 6 Nov 1907, Leeds.[148] 

                              vi            NORMAN DANIELS of Leeds, drapery salesman, b 3 Jun 1881, Fleetwood, Lancashire,[149] d 18 Jan 1957, Leeds;[150] m 30 Oct 1926, Wesleyan chapel, Blackpool, ANNIE LOUISA NICHOLLS.[151]

                              vii           LANCELOT DANIELS of Leeds, shop manager, b 4 Sep 1888, Ripon,[152] d 20 Apr 1959, Leeds;[153] m 14 May 1914, Wesleyan chapel, Guiseley, NELLIE TURNER[154] (see here).

[1] Minutes of Several Conversations Between the Methodist Ministers... 1870 (London, 1870), 21.

[2] 1851 census returns, Ashburton (National Archives, HO 107/1871, fol. 289).

[3] 1861 census returns, St Agnes (National Archives, RG 9/1555, fol. 101).

[4] 1841 census returns, Buckfastleigh (National Archives, HO 107/246/10, fol. 11).

[5] 1851 census returns, Ashburton (National Archives, HO 107/1871, fol. 289).

[6] 1861 census returns, St Agnes (National Archives, RG 9/1555, fol. 101).

[7] Tywardreath parish registers. His surname in the entry is spelt Daniel, without the final S.

[8] Cornwall Memorial Inscriptions (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[9] Sheffield parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[10] There was a Henry Daniel living on Portobello Street, Sheffield, at the time of the 1861 census, when his age was given as fifty-six and his birthplace as Sheffield. That Henry's wife was named Ruth and he had a daughter called Mary. However, in the 1851 census returns, he is stated to have been born at Norbury in Cheshire. He was evidently the Henry Daniel of Norbury who married Ruth Smith at Stockport in 1827. Henry, son of James Daniel of Norbury, cordwainer, and Betty his wife, was born in 1804 and baptised at Poynton.

[11] Matches from AncestryDNA.

[12] Elizabeth Ann Daniels was born on 5 Jan 1840 at Manningham (birth certificate).

[13] 1861 census returns, London (National Archives, RG 9/226, fol. 34).

[14] 1861 census returns, Ashby (National Archives, RG 9/2401, fol. 69).

[15] 1871 census returns, Sculcoates (National Archives, RG 10/4782, fol. 109).

[16] Patrington parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[17] As well as Alfred, their daughter Matilda appears to be the Matilda Waddingham who married John Woods in Oct 1876. Her father is given as James Waddingham, deceased, and Matilda’s age is given as 19 although she would have been only fifteen at the time. She was probably the Matilda Woods buried at Sculcoates on 3 Jan 1878, when her age was still said to be 19 (Sculcoates parish registers, online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[18] St Stephen, Hull, parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[19] Sculcoates parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[20] 1881 census returns, Ince in Makerfield (National Archives, RG 11/3775, fol. 121).

[21] 1900 census, Pittsburgh; 1900 census, Port Vue.

[22] Pennsylvania County Marriages.

[23] Pennsylvania Death Certificates, 1906-1967 (online at www.ancestry.com). Mildred died on 31 Jan 1912.

[24] Pennsylvania Death Certificates, 1906-1967 (online at www.ancestry.com). The Alfred Waddingham who married Jane Barlow has also sometimes been identified as a son of Thorlby Waddingham. Such an Alfred did exist, but the national probate calendars show that he died as a bachelor in 1887, so he cannot be the same person.

[25] Sheffield parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[26] The Titusville Herald, 18 Oct 1950.

[27] Robert Eadon Leader, History of the Company of Cutlers in Hallamshire, 2 vols (Sheffield, 1905-06), 2:185.

[28] It may also be noted that Theophilus Lessey was said to have influenced the Henry Daniels who became a Wesleyan minister, and Theophilus Lessey received an appointment in 1827 to the superintendency of the Stockport circuit. See John Hannah, Memorials of the Life, Ministry, and Correspondence of the Rev. Theophilus Lessey (London, 1842), 169.

[29] English Patents of Inventions: Specifications 1863-1938, 1792-1793 (London, 1856), no. 1871.

[30] Sheffield Register, 20 Sep 1793.

[31] The Leeds Intelligencer, 25 Nov 1793.

[32] The Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury, 1 May 1795; Newark parish registers (online at www.ancestry.com).

[33] Will of Henry Daniels, proved 4 Apr 1832 (Cheshire Archives and Local Studies, WS 1832). The probate record states that Henry died on 2 Dec 1831 which happens to be two days before the burial of John Daniels of Gainsborough.

[34] Results from AncestryDNA.

[35] Bullock Smithy Wesleyan registers (National Archives, RG 4/159).

[36] Bullock Smithy Wesleyan registers (National Archives, RG 4/159).

[37] Death duty registers (National Archives, IR 26/1284, fol. 443).

[38] Administration record. The grant was issued in 1863, many years after Henry’s death. It states that he died in 1835 and was a carter of Hazel Grove. It also mentions that his widow Jane died later in 1835 without having administered her husband’s estate.

[39] 1841 census returns, Handforth cum Bosden (National Archives, HO 107/99/21, fol. 17). This Thomas seems to be the one buried at Marple on 6 Feb 1851 when his residence was given as Bosden and his age as 66 (Marple parish registers, online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[40] 1841 census returns, Handforth cum Bosden (National Archives, HO 107/99/21, fol. 9).

[41] Cheshire Archives and Local Studies, WS 1854.

[42] Death duty registers (National Archives, IR 26/1990, fol. 215).

[43] 1851 census returns, Handforth cum Bosden (National Archives, HO 107/2157, fol. 604).

[44] Stockport Presbyterian registers (National Archives, RG 4/419).

[45] The Sheffield Independent, 28 Sep 1822; Upper Chapel, Sheffield, registers (National Archives, RG 4/2198).

[46] The 1776 apprenticeship of Robert Daniel, son of John of Bullock Smithy, weaver, deceased, to George Green of Stannington, cutler, is listed in Robert Eadon Leader, History of the Company of Cutlers in Hallamshire, 2 vols (Sheffield, 1905-06), 2:185. Based on this and the dates of his children’s baptisms, it seems that John died about 1775. He may be the John Daniel of Norbury, labourer, who was buried at Stockport on 16 Dec 1775.

[47] Stockport parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk). A Henry Daniel was a witness, and a Samuel Daniel was married there three days later. Betty may be the one of that name, daughter of John and Sarah Sydebotham of Stockport, who was baptised at Stockport on 29 Mar 1733. Another Betty Sidebotham married John Booth at Stockport in 1757, but the marriage allegation states that she was aged thirty years and upwards.

[48] Poynton parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[49] Stockport parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[50] Poynton parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[51] Poynton parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[52] Will of Samuel Daniels, proved 11 Jan 1823 (Borthwick Institute).

[53] Chadkirk parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[54] Sheffield parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[55] The will of Samuel Daniels mentions his nephew James Daniels of Sheffield, son of his brother Robert. James was born at Nottingham and baptised there on 27 Apr 1800, son of Robert Daniels, hatter, and Ann: 1851 census returns, Sheffield (National Archives, HO 107/2340, fol. 145); will of James Daniels (probate granted 8 Dec 1858); The Sheffield Daily Telegraph, 29 Apr 1857; Nottinghamshire Baptisms (online at www.findmypast.co.uk). Robert Daniel of Nottingham, hatter, married Ann Hall at Southwell in 1793: Southwell parish registers (online at www.ancestry.com); Thomas M. Blagg and F. Arthur Wadsworth, eds, Abstracts of Nottinghamshire Marriage Licences, vol. 2 (London, 1935), 578.

[56] Chadkirk parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[57] Chadkirk parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[58] Will dated 27 Nov 1815, proved 11 Jan 1823 (Borthwick Institute); The Sheffield Independent, 28 Sep 1822.

[59] Upper Chapel, Sheffield, registers (National Archives, RG 4/2198).

[60] The Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury, 1 May 1795; Newark parish registers (online at www.ancestry.com).

[61] Chadkirk parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[62] Chadkirk parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[63] Stockport parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[64] Poynton parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[65] Stockport parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[66] Poynton parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[67] Probate record for Henry Daniels (Cheshire Archives and Local Studies, WS 1832); death duty registers (National Archives, IR 26/1284, fol. 443).

[68] Cheadle bishop’s transcripts (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[69] Stockport parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk); Cheadle bishop’s transcripts (online at www.findmypast.co.uk). By her first husband James Cartwright, Sarah had a son called William Cartwright, and a William Cartwright witnessed the will of Henry Daniels in 1822.

[70] Stockport Presbyterian registers (National Archives, RG 4/419). The 1851 census returns for Handforth cum Bosden (National Archives, HO 107/2157, fol. 604) show him to have been born at Bramhall. In his 1781 baptism entry, his parents’ residence is given as Bosden but it is stated to be Bramhall in the entries for his siblings John and Samuel in 1779 and 1783.

[71] Probate record for Thomas Daniels (Cheshire Archives and Local Studies, WS 1854); Norbury bishop’s transcripts.

[72] Jane is named in the baptism records of their children including in the Bullock Smithy Wesleyan registers (National Archives, RG 4/159). She was probably Jane Gibson as their son Charles had a son called Charles Gibson Daniels and the Cheadle bishop’s transcripts show the marriage of Thomas Daniels and Sarah (sic) Gibson on 10 Sep 1805, around the time that Thomas and Jane would most likely have married.

[73] Cheadle bishop’s transcripts.

[74] Stockport Presbyterian registers (National Archives, RG 4/419).

[75] Stockport parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[76] Stockport Presbyterian registers (National Archives, RG 4/419).

[77] Stockport parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[78] Stockport Presbyterian registers (National Archives, RG 4/419).

[79] Administration record. The administration was granted on 8 Dec 1863, many years after Henry’s death.

[80] Cheadle bishop’s transcripts (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[81] Chadkirk parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[82] Gainsborough parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[83] Rotherham parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[84] Rotherham parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[85] The 1851 census returns for Gainsborough (National Archives, HO 107/2120, fol. 48) appear to give her age as 76. However, her death certificate and burial entry from 1855 give her age as 75.

[86] Death certificate.

[87] Sheffield parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[88] Sheffield parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[89] Sheffield parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[90] Gainsborough parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk). Her age is given as 31. There was also a Sarah Johnson buried at Gainsborough on 5 Jan 1838 aged 40. However, Thomas and Sarah (Daniels) Johnson had a daughter baptised on 18 Jun 1836, the same day as the 1836 burial, so it appears that Sarah died as a result of childbirth.

[91] Hovingham bishop’s transcripts (online at www.findmypast.co.uk). Hovingham is a considerable distance from Gainsborough, but Thomas is stated in the marriage entry to be of Gainsborough. Daughters of Thomas and Sarah are mentioned as nieces in the 1894 will of Elizabeth (Daniels) Wright, confirming the connection.

[92] Sheffield parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk); 1851 census returns, Ashton under Lyne (National Archives, HO 107/2233).

[93] Grant of probate.

[94] Blyth parish registers (online at www.ancestry.com).

[95] Sheffield parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk). He may be the Samuel, son of “Robt” Daniel, who was buried at Gainsborough on 19 Dec 1809 aged two.

[96] Sheffield parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk); 1851 census returns, Gainsborough (National Archives, HO 107/2120, fol. 43).

[97] Grant of probate; monumental inscription at Gainsborough.

[98] Blyton parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[99] Gainsborough parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[100] Wisconsin, Death Records, 1867-1907; Wisconsin Death Index, 1820-1907 (online at www.ancestry.com); The Janesville Daily Gazette, 4 Feb 1891; Wisconsin County Marriages, 1836-1911.

[101] Marriage certificate.

[102] 1851 census returns, Bradford (National Archives, HO 107/2308, fol. 272); Gainsborough parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk). John was not baptised until 12 Mar 1825 but the entry gives his date of birth.

[103] Clayton parish registers (online at www.ancestry.com).

[104] Bradford parish registers (online at www.ancestry.com).

[105] Bradford parish registers (online at www.ancestry.com).

[106] Bradford parish registers (online at www.ancestry.com). In some records, Hannah’s name is given as Anna or Susanna.

[107] Gainsborough parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[108] 1851 census returns, Gainsborough (National Archives, HO 107/2120, fol. 11); Gainsborough parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk). James was not baptised until 12 Mar 1825 but the entry gives his date of birth.

[109] Death certificate.

[110] Gainsborough parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[111] See the discussion above regarding the marriages of James Daniels.

[112] St Stephen, Hull, parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[113] Sheffield parish registers (online at www.findmypast.co.uk).

[114] Grant of probate (will dated 7 Oct 1868, proved 8 Jan 1870).

[115] In the Wesleyan circuit quarterly accounts for Somerset there is mention of "Mr and Mrs Daniells" on 31 Dec 1833 at South Petherton, where Henry Daniels was minister, perhaps giving the impression that Henry Daniels had an earlier wife, though elsewhere the accounts refer only to "Mr Daniells", and Henry is described as a bachelor in the parish register entry for his marriage to Mary Lydia Anning. See M.D. Costen, ed., Wesleyans and Bible Christians in South Somerset: Accounts and Minutes, 1808-1907, Somerset Record Society, 78(1984):29-32.

[116] Bridport parish registers (online at www.ancestry.com).

[117] Mary Lydia was a niece of Giles Lawrence Roberts, M.D., of Bridport (Jackson's Oxford Journal, 16 Aug 1834; will of Giles Lawrence Roberts, National Archives, PROB 11/1837/384). Joseph Swain and Lydia Roberts were married at Burton Bradstock in 1788 and George Anning and Mary Swain were married there in 1824 (Burton Bradstock parish registers, online at www.ancestry.com).

[118] She was said to be 39 at the time of her death. However, in the record of her baptism on 21 Aug 1813, she is stated to have “attained the age of fourteen years” (Burton Bradstock parish registers, online at www.ancestry.com).

[119] Death certificate; The Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 43(1840):620.

[120] Christow parish registers (Devon Record Office).

[121] Birth certificate.

[122] Death certificate.

[123] St Mawes Wesleyan registers; 1861 census returns, Saint Agnes (National Archives, RG 9/1555, fol. 101).

[124] The Wiltshire Times, 15 Jan 1916; 1911 census returns, Trowbridge (National Archives, RG 14/11964).

[125] Marriage certificate.

[126] 1861 census returns, Saint Agnes (National Archives, RG 9/1555, fol. 101); death record, Archives of Ontario, MS 935/397.

[127] Bible flyleaf in my possession, inscribed “To my dear nephew & niece, 'Lance' & Nellie Daniels, with the love, & best wishes of their 'aunt Jane' now in her 82nd year” with the address 46 Avon St, Stratford, Ontario, Canada, and the date Feb 1928; death record, Archives of Ontario, MS 935/397.

[128] Birth certificate; death record, Archives of Ontario, MS 935/354; 1901 census returns, Nassagaweya, sub-district f-3, schedule 1, p8. The household enumerated adjacently to Henry's in 1901 was that of George Stranger (b 1823), Henry's uncle. The census returns give George's date of birth as 1 Feb 1823, agreeing with date of birth given in the entry for George's baptism in the records of the Ashburton Wesleyan circuit.

[129] Archives of Ontario, MS 932/36; 1901 census, Nassagaweya, sub-district f-3, schedule 1, p8; death record of Rebecca Ellen Adamson Daniels, 29 Dec 1934, Hamilton (Archives of Ontario).

[130] The West Briton & Cornwall Advertiser, 5 Aug 1853; 1861 census returns, Saint Agnes (National Archives, RG 9/1555, fol. 101).

[131] The Bicester Herald, 21 Feb 1879.

[132] Marriage certificate.

[133] Birth certificate.

[134] The Leeds Mercury, 2 Feb 1892. Will dated 28 Jul 1891, proved 13 May 1892.

[135] Marriage certificate.

[136] The Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, 4 Aug 1871; 1881 census return, Lytham (National Archives, RG 11/4251, fol. 56).

[137] Washington deaths index (online at www.ancestry.com). He was known as Harry Daniels.

[138] Washington marriage records (online at www.ancestry.com); letter dated 4 Jan 1994 from Lorna A. (Daniels) Conrad, daughter of Henry and Estelle Adele (Osborne) Daniels.

[139] 1901 census returns, Leeds (National Archives, RG 13/4231, fol. 99); 1939 register (online at www.ancestry.com).

[140] Grant of probate (will proved 25 Jul 1960).

[141] The Yorkshire Evening Post, 7 Jul 1904; information from Geoffrey Daniels, son of Lancelot and Nellie (Turner) Daniels.

[142] The Cornish Telegraph, 31 Mar 1875; 1939 register (online at www.ancestry.com).

[143] The Yorkshire Post, 27 May 1947.

[144] Registers of Brunswick Wesleyan chapel, Leeds (online at www.ancestry.com).

[145] 1891 census returns, Leeds (National Archives, RG 12/3697, fol. 33); 1939 register (online at www.ancestry.com).

[146] The Yorkshire Post, 1 Dec 1956; grant of probate (will proved 25 Feb 1957).

[147] Birth certificate; 1891 census returns, Leeds (National Archives, RG 12/3697, fol. 33).

[148] The Yorkshire Evening Post, 6 Nov 1907.

[149] 1891 census returns, Leeds (National Archives, RG 12/3697, fol. 33); 1939 register (online at www.ancestry.com).

[150] The Yorkshire Post, 21 Jan 1957; grant of probate (will proved 13 Mar 1957).

[151] Cornish Guardian, 5 Nov 1926. She was a great-granddaughter of Thomas and Epiphany (Briant) Bullock through their son Richard (see here).

[152] Notes by his father George Sercombe Daniels, in my possession.

[153] Yorkshire Evening Post, 21 Apr 1959. Will dated 22 Feb 1948, proved 13 Nov 1959.

[154] Marriage certificate.