Bryant (1663-c1741)
In the Name of God Amen.
I Walter Briant of the Parish of Lanlivery in the
County of Cornwawall [sic] Yeoman Do Make and ordaine this my Last Will &
Testament In Mannour & form following.
That is to Say first I Give & bequeath my Soul
into the hands of God my maker hoping in and through the merits of Jesus Christ
my only Lord and Saviour to receive full remition for all my sins And as for
what Worldly Goods Godallmighty hath been pleased to give me in this Life I
Give & bequeath in mannor & form following.
Imps I Give and Bequeath unto Darcos Briant
Relict of my Son Walter Briant the Sume of one Shilling.
Itm I Give unto my Sons Walter Briants five Children to Each five Shillings.
Itm I Give unto my Daughterinlaw Jone Briant the Sume of one Shilling and to Each Child of hers five Shillings Being three Children.
Itm I Give to my Son Jno Briant the Sume of one
Shilling And to each of his Children being three five Shillings Each.
Itm I Give unto my Daughter Anne the Sume of
three pounds And to her Daughter Eliz five Shillings.
Itm I Make and ordaine this to be my Last Will and
Testament And do Depute & ordain My Dearly beloved Andrew Briant My Son to
be the Execr of this my Last Will and Testament. In Witness Whereof I have
hereunto Set my hand & Seal this 12th Daye of June 1738.
Signe of Walter Briant.
John Hodge
marke of Jane Willcock
27th April 1741.
Will & Inveny. of the Goods & Soeforth of
one Walter Briant lately Deced proved in Common form…
And Admion of all and Singular the Goods &
Soforth of the Deced & of all things Howsoever Concerning His Said Will was
Granted to the Exer. therein Named…
A True and perfect Inventory of the Goods & effects of Walter Briant Husbandman of the Parish of Lanlivery Lately Deced. Seen & Appraised by us whose Names are Hereunto Set this 25th Day of Aprill 1741.
Imprimis his purse Girdle and Wearing Apparell 02:10:0
Item Some Small Debts in 12: 0:0
Totall 14:10:0
Tho: Littleton
Jno. Hodge