Stribley (d 1689)
In the name of God Amen I Lewis Stribley of the pish
of St Wenn in the County of Cornwall Yeoman being Sick of body but of Sound
& pfect mind and memory (praised be God for it) Doe make & ordaine this
my last will & Testament in manner & forme following
First I bequeath my Soul to Almighty God my Maker
hoping through the Meritts of Jesus Christ my Redeemer to enjoy everlasting
life with him in the Kingdom of heaven after this mortall life is ended, and my
body to Christian burial
Item I give to the poore of the pish of St Wenn the
Sum of tenn shillings to bee paid by my Execr heerafter named wthin one yeare
after my decease
Item I give to my sonnes Henry & Thomas & my
daughters Charity Mary & Susan to each of them the sum of thirty pounds to
bee paid unto each of them when they shall respectively attaine to the age of
twenty yeares
Item I give to my daughter Frances the sum tenn
pounds to bee likewise paid to her when shee shall attaine to the age of twenty
yeares, provided that if any or either of my said sonnes & daughters happen
to dye before hee shee or they attaine to the age of twenty yeares then my will
is that such legacy or legacyes as are given to him her or them, shall bee paid
to & equally devided amongst my Surviving Children that shall attaine to
the age of twenty yeares pvided likewise that my daughter Frances deliver up
unto my Execr a bond or penal bill of tenn pounds for payment of five pounds to
bee by him cancelled wch I formerly sealed & delivered to her, otherwise
her legacy not to be paid. All my goods and Chattles I give to my sonne William
Stribley whome I make the sole Execr of this my Last will & testament And
in testimony thereof have hereunto put my hand & seale the thirteenth day
of July 1689
Lewis Stribley
Signed sealed & published in prsence of
John Mapowder
Thomas Wolrige