Stribley (bur 1766)
By Permission of Allmighty God I Frances Bullock
widdow Sojourner in the P[er]rish of St Dinnis Late of the of [sic]
Lanivett in the County of Cornwal do Make this my Last Will Revoking and Dissanulling
all former Wills by me heartofore mad Delivering this and no Other to be my
Last will and Testement in Maner and form following
Item I Give unto John Bullock and Richard Bullock
and Thomas Bullock my sons and Tamson Sweet my Daughter one Shilling apiece by
my Excetur to be Paid
Item I Give unto Richard my son my Biblle
Item I Give unto John my son one Silver spoon to be
Delivered to him at his Day of Marraige and not before
Item I Give unto Frances Varcoe my Grand Daughter
one Fetherbed with its forniture thearunt belonging Imedently after my Deceas
Item I Give unto the Poore of Lanivett the sume of
Ten Shillings by my Excetr to be Paid
Item all the Rest of my Goods Redy money Creddits
Chatels wears and Commoddites of what kind or nator so Ever I Give unto Richard
Varcoe my Grandson Whome I do make and ordain Constiute and apiount to my
Lawfull and Hole Excuter of this my Last will and Testement in wittness whearof
I have hearunto Sett my hand and Seal this 24th day of September
Signed Sealed and The sign of
Declared by the Testator Frances Bullock
in Presence of
Robt Hore
the sign of
Richd Marten