In The name of God Amen I Richard Bullock of The
parish of Lanivett in the County of Cornwall yeam[an] Being of a perfect mind and memory Blessed be to
God for it, butt knowing it is ordained for all men
once to dye do make and ordaine this to be my Last
will and Testament in mannor and form following first
I bequeave my Soull To God
that gave it me my Body to be decently buried and as for such goods and Chattles as God hath Blessed m[e] with in mannor and form following
I give to my son William Bullock one shilling
Item I give to my son John Bullock one shilling
Item I give to my son Richard Bullock one shilling
Item I give to my son Thomas Bullock one shilling
Item I give to Mary the wife of Robert Thomas one
Item I give to Susanna the wife of John Moyle one
Item I give to Frances the wife of John Vercoe one shilling
Item I give to my younger Daughter Thomasin Bullock one shilling
Item I give to my Dearly Beloved wife Frances
Bullock all the rest of my Goods and Chattles and doe
make my said wife my whole and sole Executricks of
this my last will and Testame[nt]
Revokeing all former wills my me heretofore made declareing this and no other to be my last will and
Testament as wittness my hand and seall
this twenty second day of febuary one Thousand seaven hundred forty one
Signed sealed pronuonced
and declar’d To be my last
will and Testament in presents of us.
Blanh Lukey
Richard Bullock
Thos. Jenkyn
A True and perfect Inventory of the Goods and Chattles of Richard Bullock of the Parish of Lanivett in the County of [Cornwall] Lately deceased
appraised this 20th. Day of September 1751 by us whose names are are [sic] under written
for a Purse Girdle and wearing apparell 05: 0: 0
for a
Cow a heifer
04: 10: 0
for a old Horse 01: 10: 0
for 20
04: 10: 0
for 2
01: 0: 0
for a smale mow of Wheat 03: 0: 0
for a smale mow of Barley 01: 10: 0
01: 10: 0
for a
bed Furnished
01: 10: 0
for a
pewter Brass and a Crock
01: 0: 0
for Good
and Bad Debts
02: 0: 0
Lumber Stuff and things not seen or forgotten
0: 10: 0
Sum Totall 27:
10: 0
John Varcoe
Thos. Jenkyn