Memorandum That John Chibbot
late of Moore Winstow in the Countie
of Cornewall yeoman deceased did upon or about the
Thirtieth daie of March in the yere of our Lord God
one Thousand Six hundred Fiftie Six being of perfect
mind and memorie and having a serious intent and
purpose to settle and dispose of his estate make utter and declare his last
will and Testament nuncupative or by word of mouth as followeth.
First he did give and bequeath unto John Chibbott his sonne Twentie shillings. All the rest of his goods and Chattles he did give and bequeath unto his wife Margarett Chibbott and did make
her whole and sole Executrix. Or he the said John Chibbott
did utter and declare his last will and Testant in
words to the Like effect seriouslie and with an
intent that what he then spake should stand for and
be his last will and Testament in the presence of credible witnesss.
Abraham Baker. John Shearme. Thomasine Shearme. William Chinge