JOHN CHIBBOT (1633-1702)
[Parts of this will have decayed and faded. The text in square brackets includes the sections which are most difficult to read.]
In the name of god Amen The Ninth day of J[ull]y in the yeare of our lord god one thousand Seaven Hundred and Two and In the first yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lady Ann by the grace of god Quene of England Scotland France and Ierland Defender of the faith &c I John Chibbott of the pishe of Morwinstow and County of Cornwall yeoman Being of Perfit Minde and Memory Praised by god doe Make and ordaine this to be my last Will and testament revokinge all former Willes and Testmentes By me made to be null & voide In maner and forme fowlinge viz. first I give and Bequeath my Soule in to the hand of Allmighty god my maker and Redemer hopinge that through the Meritours death and passion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and redeemer to receive free pardon and forgivnes of all my Sines and as for my Bodie to be buried in Christian Buriall in the Church yard of Morwinstow by my father and mother. And as for my worldy goodes I dispose of as fowleth. Item first I give and bequeath unto my fower Dafters that are all redy Maried that is to say Marey Honner Jone and Roveana my Daughters Tenn Shillings apece [to] Bie then each amurninge ringe. Item I give to my Daughter Damaris Chibbott Twenty shillings to bie her amurninge ringe Item I give and Bequeathe to Margret Chibbott and Hester Chibbott my Two Daughters my tenement In South Britton that I som time bought of one John Tricke & all my right tittell and Interest that I have there in Jontly between them as long as any right I have there in shall Continue only my will and meaninge is that if either of the Said Margret or Hester shall Mary [that] then the other sister that shall be unmaried shall In Joye the whole during such time as shall be to come and unexpired. Item I give and Bequeath to Elizabeth Chibbott My D[au]g[hter] all Such Right Tittell Claime and Intrest as I have In Midell Brighton and L[.]t[.]hland al[.]s [Lothl]and after the death of her mother and not before also I giv to the sd Elizabeth Chibbott all such right as I have in a plot of ground Called the Com[mo]n ground [...] part of James Crose [t]ene[m]ent. Item If John Roseveare [will] give my Executrix here after to be named and her Executrix or Executores A[d]minstratores and assignes free discharge that he will not [claime] any part [or] parcell of Myine or my wifes go[odes] or Chattelles then I give him five pounds but if he refuse soe to doe then I give him but one shillinge to be paid at the ende of one yeare after my decease. Item I give unto John Chibbott [R]oseveare my Booke of Marters. Item I give to my Grandaughter Margret Podricke my gret Brase Candellsticke. Item I give to all my grandchildren now livinge Twelfepence apece. All the rest of my Goodes not before given and bequeathed I give and bequeathe unto Honnor Chibbott my Wife whome I doe nominate and appoyint to be my whole and Solle Executrix of this my last will and testement Paying my [de]betes and Legaces and to [dis]charge my funeral expences. In testimoney here of I have Hereunto set My Hande and Seall the day and yeare first above Written – 1702.
John Chibbott
Sealled Signed In the Presentes of &c
Joseph Coryndan
Wm Orchard: junior
Grace Coryndon